Abishev Zhassulan

"In caring for mental health lies the key to harmony and meaning in our lives."

The joint mission of PanteonX Foundation and its prominent ambassador, Zhassulan Abishev, represents an important step in the field of mental health support in tough times. When many people experience  stress and anxiety, mental well-being is invaluable. In this context, cooperation with PanteonX Foundation's ambassador, Zhassulan Abishev, is of key importance.
Both parties share a common mission - to help people in difficult moments. 

In his role as an ambassador for the foundation, Zhassulan brings with him a wealth of professional experience and a profound enthusiasm for mental health support. He is an outstanding  mindfulness coach, certified MBSR senior teacher and mindfulness supervisor at Mindful Academy Solterreno. Zhassulan’s in-depth knowledge and practical experience make him a valuable asset to the foundation and ensure the development of effective solutions to promote mental health.
Zhassulan provides necessary materials, practices and training to help people effectively manage stress and achieve harmony in their lives. His organized events and webinars provide a platform for discussing essential aspects of mental health. Zhassulan Abishev's collaboration with international organizations strengthens PanteonX Foundation's ability to mobilize additional resources and support for our shared mission.

With Zhassulan as an ambassador of PanteonX Foundation, we join forces in supporting mental health and strive to achieve our common objective of helping people through difficult moments and inspiring them to find meaning in life. Together, we are creating a pathway to better mental wellbeing and mental balance for all who need this significant support. Our collaboration embodies the hope for a bright future where mental health is accessible and understandable to all.

Our ambassadors

Our ambassadors put heart and soul into the mission.

They are a voice and a driving force that unite us in our shared aspiration to improve the world.