1. Recording and processing of documents for foreigners / citas extranjeras:

Temporary protection for citizens of Ukraine NIE:

  • Making an appointment (cita).
  • Payment of the fee.
  • Filling in the application form.

Preparation of documents for a foreigner's NIE number:

  • Making an appointment (cita).
  • Payment of the fee.

TIE resident card with NIE number:

  • Making an appointment (cita) to obtain the first TIE, renewal or obtaining a TIE for 5 years (tie larga duración).

2. Translation services / support:

  • Translation and support in important matters.

3. City Hall registration / empadronamiento:

  • Registering your place of residence with the city council.

4. Registration at the labor exchange / labora:

  • Registration with the employment office.

5. Notary:

  • Notary services for legal documents.

6. Enrollment of children in school:

  • Assistance in enrolling children in school.

7. Registration of state support:

  • Preparation and submission of documents for obtaining government subsidies or assistance.

8. Support in signing various real estate contracts (rent / purchase / sale):

  • Assistance in concluding real estate transactions.

9. Translation in accounting centers (gestoría y asesoría):

  • Translation and counseling in accounting centers.

10. Visiting the offices of public utilities (Iberdrola, Agua, Suma):

  • Assistance in resolving issues with public utilities such as electricity (Iberdrola), water (Agua) and tax authorities (Suma).

11. Accompaniment at the clinic, house calls:

  • Assistance with visits to clinics and the possibility of making house calls.

12. Assistance in obtaining insurance (SIP, privado, civil insurance for dogs):

  • Assistance in choosing and applying for various types of insurance, including health (SIP), private and dog insurance.

13. Opening a bank account:

  • Assistance in opening a bank account.

14. Sworn translations / traducción Jurado:

  • Translations that need to be confirmed by a sworn translator.

15. Assistance in finding housing:

  • Assistance in finding housing, including publicly supported housing, rental apartments, houses and commercial real estate.

16. Cita's diferentes:

Appointments at various institutions:

  • City Hall (Ayuntamiento).
  • In clinics (Clínicas).
  • At the police station for foreigners (Extranjerías).
  • To register a car with the DGT and obtain a driver's license.

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