
Today, we pay tribute to all the heroes who sacrificed their lives for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. This day will always be etched in our hearts as a symbol of our warriors' resilience, bravery, and unwavering commitment.

A decade ago, during the battle of Ilovaisk, Ukrainian defenders encountered the enemy's deceit, but even in the darkest hours, they remained unbroken. Their sacrifice is a sacred legacy, forever honored in our memories.

The sunflower has come to represent this sorrowful day, as many of our defenders fell in the sunflower fields... These flowers serve as a reminder of their ultimate sacrifice and deep love for Ukraine.

Eternal glory and remembrance to all the defenders of Ukraine who gave their lives for our freedom. The fight, however, continues. Each of us can play a role in supporting our soldiers, as their survival depends on our contributions.

Please help equip our servicemen with the essentials needed for victory. Your involvement brings us one step closer to peace over Ukraine.

We remember. We are grateful. We support. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!

August 29th - Remembrance Day for Ukraine's Defenders

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