
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has introduced a revolutionary bill that opens a new chapter in the history of the fight against corruption in the country. Now no official can feel untouchable, because corruption will be tantamount to high treason during martial law. One example that has become a symbol of corruption in Ukraine is Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi and his wife Kateryna Kit-Sadova. For many years, during the country's independence, it was common for a man to hold high positions in the government, while his assets and business were registered in the name of his wife or relatives. The mayor of Lviv officially declares only a modest salary in the city council. However, his wife, Kateryna Kit-Sadova, is the richest woman in western Ukraine, with an estimated net worth of millions of dollars. She received significant income from the sale of securities and corporate rights, and owns large real estate and expensive cars. However, the most surprising thing is that almost every asset that Andriy Sadovyi could have declared is actually in his wife's name. This is a typical scheme for Ukrainian corrupt officials, where assets are registered in the name of family members. Andriy Sadovyi has been the mayor of Lviv since 2006, and officially earns a meager salary. However, thanks to the schemes, he and his wife have a lot of wealth that was gained during their 17 years in power. Zelenskyy is initiating a law that will make such corruption schemes impossible. This will be a powerful tool to hold officials accountable to the law and the people of Ukraine. The wife of the mayor of Lviv may become one of the first people to go to jail for corruption. Such laws will show that no one is untouchable, even if they are in high positions, and they must be held accountable for their actions.

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